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Black Choreographers Festival: Here & Now

Celebrating 20 years!!!


20th Anniversary Events

Spirit of Sankofa: Bridging the Legacies of BCM and BCF

Featuring: Archival Exhibit, Panel, & Performance

February 7 (Fri @7p) 

Panel Discussion, Throwback to the Future, moderated by Dr. Halifu Osumare

Featuring: Joanna Haigood, Robert Moses, Raissa Simpson, Dazaun Soleyn







Two generations of Black Choreographers dialogue about how the issues during the

Black Choreographers Moving Toward the 21st Century (BCM) a national dance initiative (1989-1995) have shifted, yet remain the same today, during the 20th anniversary of Black Choreographers Festival: Here & Now (BCF).

Join us for a stimulating discussion about what it means to be Black in the Bay Area dance scene Then and Now.

Free w/ Museum Admission


Doors open at 6p

6 – 7p  Enjoy viewing MoAD’s beautiful art exhibit and BCF’s Artful Archival Exhibit

7p  Throwback to the Future, Panel Discussion

Directly following the panel – stay for our Cake & Chat Event!

Attend this panel at MoAD and receive a special discount code to BCF performances at Dance Mission Theater.


February 8 (Sat @12, 2, 4p)

Dynamic Performances of Healing Intimacy

Featuring Dazaun Soleyn and Algin "Align" Sterling

Choreographers/collaborators Soleyn and Sterling create and perform

an engaging structured movement & music improvisation.

With Special Guests: Claire Fisher-Mendez and Jordon E. Dabney

An immersive piece that activates MoAD's galleries in response to the current exhibition, 

Liberatory Living: Protective Interiors & Radical Black Joy

Each iteration is different, come for one or stay for all three!


FREE to the Public


BCF @ MoAD events are in community partnership with and co-sponsored by the Museum of the African Diaspora. 

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Algin Sterling & Dazaun Soleyn, Healing Intimacy, facing, image 2.jpg

BCF Concerts

in association with Dance Mission Theater

Saturday, February 22 & Sunday, February 23 @ 7:30p

Dance Mission Theater, 3316 – 24th St., San Francisco


Featuring the works of:

Byb Chanel Bibene

Gregory P. Dawson

Portsha Jefferson

Robert Moses

Raissa Simpson

Deborah B. Vaughan


$20 Adv/Students/Seniors

$25 General at the door

$35 VIP - Reserved Seating

2 - Performances Pass @ $30 ($15 per performance date)


San Francisco Dance Film Festival @ BCF 

Dance Mission Theater, 3316 – 24th St., San Francisco


The San Francisco Dance Film Festival presents a special screening at the Black Choreographers Festival, featuring three powerful films that explore themes of struggle, resilience, and liberation. The program highlights include Flower starring Misty Copeland, Free by filmmaker Yoram Savion, and Every Second by Antwan Williams, whose work is deeply connected to local creative communities. This selection showcases the Bay Area’s rich dance and film culture, bringing together artists who use movement to tell compelling and transformative stories.

Doors open @ 7:15p for Film screenings - Free with admission to BCF

Every Second  (Sat. 2/22)

“Every Second” is a poignant short film that delves into the life of a man who has just been released

from prison but finds himself struggling with the reality that he will never be free from his experience of prison.

Director: Antwan Williams, Maurice Reed, Reyna Brown

Choreographers: Antwan Williams, Amie Dowling, Maurice Reed, Reyna Brown

FREE (Sun. 2/23)

The stigma of criminality haunts a young Black man in “FREE,” a poignant short film narrated from

inside his mind and brought to life through his body.

Director: Yoram Joseph Savion

Poetry: Marc Bamuthi Joseph

Music: Daniel Bernard Roumain,  Producer: SOZO Impact

Flower (Sat. 2/22 & Sun. 2/23)

Flower is a short episodic film series starring world-renowned ballerina and trailblazer Misty Copeland 

with co-stars Babatunji Johnson and Chrisiina Johnson, that tells a powerful story through dance and movement.

Director: Lauren Finerman

Choreographers: Alonzo King, Rich + Tone Talauega

Music: Raphael Saadiq 



SFDFF 2025 Festival Dates: November 6-9 at Brava Theater and streaming on MarqueeTV


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The Black Choreographers Festival: Here and Now – is made possible by the on-going support of the San Francisco Arts Commission, City of Oakland Cultural Arts Funding Program, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, community partners Dance Mission Theater and Dimensions Dance Theater.  

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